Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sick Love Melody Pt.2

You come close
I get closer
I lay my head on your chest
And listen to the sounds
It’s a melody
And it’s sick
Ill to my stomach
Got my heart on overdrive
Beating on my chest cavity wanting to rip
Open through my flesh and into your chest to become one
I listen closer
I’m addicted
The music goes into my ear
And travels through my body
Backpacking its way to my heart
Seeping its way into the cracks
Attaching it self like a leech
Now my life is being sucked right out of me
I’m stuck
My mind is cluttered
There’s is no room to think this through
My thoughts are loud
They scream your name
And hymn your song
When I’m awake
And when I dream I hear faint sounds in the distant of this “sick love melody”
Only sounds I can hear now are your sick love melody
And nobody can tell me anything
“That you’re bad for me “
“That you’re like the rest of them “
I’m jumping on cloud nines
Careful to not trip and slip back to reality
Quite stupidly in love
My mind has run out of fuel
But my heart keeps bumping pretty sounds
Of your sick love melody
I have no room left to think of this consequence
The consequence of one day you stopping the song
I want to hear this sound even if it is a broken record
I want to hear it over and over like a song they play out on the radio
The beat to your sick love melody beats fast then beats slowly
Apparently I’m not your wedding song
I’m more like the song you keep in your Ipod because it is” classic”
A “must have”
 You skip me over on your play list
You turn me on till the melody drops
You turn me on then you turn me off
Like an option
I am tired of only being your song
You turn me up only when you’re down
I’m turning you off!
So I forget about you and your tunes
And you come back around playing the same old song
The harp strings on my heart have worn out
And have rusted with time
We can’t sing together
We can’t play together
Throw this record player out
I have gone deaf
I’m SICK of this love melody

By Lina Gonzalez Inspired by Tim Rupnarain


  1. Words and music can be represented in so many ways. I love this poem and mostly the line:
    "backpacking it's way to my heart"

  2. "Sick Love Melody" That's just what it is, well expressed and written. I would love to see this recited with the passion and the energy that it was written for. Truly Art/Music broken down to literature.
